Maidstone integrated marketing agency Pillory Barn was proud to scoop a Gold award for its AshfordFor website in the flagship “Website” category at the Kent Digital Awards.
The second Kent Digital Awards is the only scheme in the county to celebrate the online achievements of our busineses, charities and schools and recognises Kent’s talent, entrepreneurial spirit and digital innovation.
The AshfordFor website showcases the best of business and inward investment for the fast-growing Ashford region for location, innovation and success.
Managing Director, Miranda Chapman said, ‘It is great to receive some recognition for our hard-working digital team. We have a holistic approach for our clients at Pillory Barn, where websites reach beyond just web development. We ensure that they work on every level with user engagement which is constantly reviewed and revised and we are proud that the AshfordFor website is testament to this.’
Pillory Barn also received a Bronze in the B2B website category for the AshfordFor website. Accolades across 16 categories including “Website”, “Mobile App” and “Use of Social Media for Business” were presented to deserving organisations at the Motorsport Vision Centre, Brands Hatch, on June 23.
Compering the event was former BBC broadcaster Robin Bailey who presented Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes to a host of worthy winners.
KDA16 was headline sponsored by IT firm Nero Blanco and backed by the Courier, Kent County Council, West Kent Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Sleeping Giant Media and Sevenoaks District Council.