We welcome the release today (Sunday) of the ‘Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2016’. This shows a real effort by the Government to better understand the threat posed by cyber attacks on business and look at how to address the issue.
Bill Fox, Regional Chairman for the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), said:
“Cyber crime is an ever evolving problem that affects all businesses, but hits smaller firms the hardest as they struggle to absorb the costs the most. They also do not have the same expertise, resource or time to deal with cyber crime as large firms – putting them at a disadvantage in terms of security.
“Smaller businesses want to embrace the opportunities a digital world provides but these can also lead to vulnerabilities. With the nature, scale and costs of cyber security breaches escalating, smaller businesses need access to cyber security resources and clear advice on how to become cyber resilient.
“As this report suggests, smaller businesses would benefit from increased awareness of the Government’s Cyber Essentials scheme. This can be achieved by more investment in signposting. However, while smaller firms must play their part, the responsibility for improving business resilience to cyber threats must not fall heavily on those least able to bear the burden. Government, larger businesses, individuals and providers should take part in a joint effort to tackle cyber crime and improve business resilience.
“The Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2016 offers a good insight into the current cyber picture for businesses, but we need consistent data over time so that a clear picture can form. Policy makers can then accurately base their policy decisions on this. We look forward to working with Government, as well as the newly elected Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC), to help tackle an issue that is having a growing economic impact on UK businesses.”
“We urge Kent business owners to attend the free exhibition Kent Vision Live on 11 May, where they can benefit from the latest information on cybercrime, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and broadband access. For so many firms, the internet is integral into their daily business life – let’s make it a safe and secure one.”