You may have managed to set up and run your own business quite successfully to date, but the reality is that without the ability to present yourself and your ideas with credibility and confidence, you risk losing potentially valuable opportunities. Furthermore, even if you do put yourself forward to speak in public, unless you are able to get a grip of your nerves, you’ll be suffering with unnecessary sleepless nights and stress.
Even though about 50% of the population would say that they’re not naturally outgoing or attention-seeking, the good news is that you don’t have to be an extrovert to be good at presenting and speaking in public. If you have a business, a product or an idea that you believe in, then there’s no real reason why you shouldn’t be as impressive as those people for whom it seems to come naturally.
The secret is that everyone experiences nerves to some degree before speaking in public, it’s just that some people have learnt to channel their nervous energy into creative and dynamic energy that speaks to their audience in a convincing way.
Which is why Ashford based training company, H2 Training & Consultancy Ltd has teamed up with the Sophrology Academy (also based in Ashford) to create a unique practical half-day workshop especially for anyone who thinks that they may be letting their fear of presenting and public speaking get in the way of their own or their businesses success.
If you’re not sure whether this applies to you, ask yourself:
- Are you so terrified of public speaking that it actually makes you feel ill?
- Are you afraid to attend a training course in presentation skills or public speaking in case you’re put on the spot and asked to present in front of others?
- Do you sometimes wish you could pay someone else to represent you or your company at events, so you can avoid speaking in public?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, then help is definitely at hand!
The new half-day workshop has been carefully designed it to include some really effective practical stress-management Sophrology techniques, which help you to feel more confident and less panicky before giving a presentation. They work because they allow you to step aside from the unhelpful feelings and emotions which can send you into a spiral of negative thinking, and leave you free to perform at your best – selling your ideas, yourself and your business in their best light.
Attendees at the workshop will also learn the most valuable and practical tips for constructing an effective presentation or speech. These are the tools that are used by the majority of people you observe as confident, competent speakers – so all you have to do is apply them during the planning stages, and much of the hard work will done before you even get there!
If you’d like to learn more about the “Public Speaking for the Petrified” workshops being held near Maidstone on 23 November and again on 4 December, please follow the link, or copy and paste into your browser:
Tina Halperin, Director, H2 Training & Consultancy Ltd
Tel: 0800 0015 151
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